Earth and Environment Protection Society
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We make our healthy & greenery Earth and Environment.
Wellcome to our new era Campaign.

EEPROS aims for

Air Water and Waste

Life and Land

Climate Action




Public Awareness

Health is Wealth

Education scholarship

Trekking Recreation

Infastructure Development

PMH & Rehab


Digital World



Smart & Digital Nepal

Summit & Workshop


Healthy & Greenery World

Cultural Transportation


Social Work

Mission of EEPROS is to protect and preserve the natural environment and resources of the earth. We work to reduce the negative impacts of human activities on the planet and its inhabitants.

The vision of EEPROS is to preserve the natural beauty and biodiversity of our planet. We believe that by working together, we can create a sustainable future for all living beings on Earth.

The goal of EEPROS is to protect and preserve the natural beauty and resources of the Earth. We strive to educate the public about the importance of conservation and sustainability.
Our Goals

Save the Earth

ECO System


Our Programs
The most beautiful word in this world is mother, this earth is also like our mother, it is the duty of all of us sons and daughters of the world to decorate our mother and serve her.
Teepros Forest Program
Earth & Environment Education Program
Facilitate Debt on earth environment issue
Greenery & Healthy World
Earth & Environment Protection Partnership
Restore & Regenerate Our Environment
Tie-up with Government
Earth & Environment Awareness
Earth & Environmental Assistance
Message from the CEO
The world is a beautiful blooming flower. We, the inhabitants of the world, are very beautiful guests who have come to visit that beautiful flower garden. Nature has provided us with abundant happiness. Without this beautiful nature we have always been and always will be incomplete. Nature not only cares for us, but we also need to serve nature and protect natural resources. Everything in nature has its own meaning. Every important animate and inanimate thing in this world is disappearing due to a small mistake made by us, the people of the world. We 7 billion people living in the world need to be serious about this. We sincerely appeal to the 7 billion people in the world to join the campaign to save earth and environment by organising one person and one tree campaign. If we don’t, who will do it, if we don’t do it now, when will we do it? With the small start we have made today, we are fully confident that tomorrow’s descendants will see natural beauty different from us.

Nirajan Khatri
CEO & Founder
How to save our world ?
The invisible gas mixture that envelops the Earth is called air. The majority of living creatures depend on essential elements like oxygen and nitrogen found in air to exist. Humans are one of these species, of course. Instead of the phrase “air,” the word “atmosphere” may instead be used.
The mixture of gases that make up the air at sea level is known as standard dry air. It is a recognized unit of measurement in science. Nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, neon, helium, krypton, hydrogen, and xenon are all constituents of typical dry air. Because the amount of steam fluctuates with temperature and humidity, it does not contain steam. Standard dry air isn’t really present everywhere at once since air masses are continually moving.
Our Stories

Neer Shah
Nepalese film actor, director, producer, poet, songwriter

Paras Shah
Crown Prince of Nepal

Bhusan Dahal
Television Personality

Kali Prasad Baskota
Nepali singer, musician and lyricist
Join our Upcoming Program

Meet Our Team!

Nirajan Khatri
Founder & CEO

Royal Acharya
Deputy CEO

Dr. Suman Karmacharya
Director General

Dr. Bharat Kumar Shrestha

Mohan raj Pandey
Executive finance officer

Milan Panta
Director of smart & Digital Nepal

Govinda Gautam
Director of smart & Digital Nepal

HA Rupa Khatri
General manager & First-Aid Head